Why is sustainability important to O’Keefe?
We want to create an environment and work place where our people can thrive, deliver performance we can all be proud of, support our communities who are better for knowing us and ensure that the environment we all live in is both protected and enhanced.
Our sector provides value to millions of people, but uses many resources in the process. As a result, stakeholders such as regulators, communities and increasingly customers demand a proactive approach to sustainable developments. O’Keefe wants to position itself as a market leader in sustainability which requires an ambitious sustainability strategy.
It is O’Keefe’s mission to help build sustainable environments that enhance people’s lives by enabling the right people to capitalise on state-of-the-art knowledge, resources and digital technologies, providing solutions across the total construction lifecycle for the Group’s clients and generating maximum value for its stakeholders.
What is O’Keefe’s sustainability strategy?
Our long-term sustainability ambition is that by 2050 the O’Keefe Group will be a business that has an overall positive impact on society - we will be a Net positive organisation. Net positive is a simple idea that was developed in 2008. It recognises that as well as reducing negative environmental and social impacts, organisations should also pay attention to enhancing the positive impacts of their activity.
For O’Keefe our Net Positive approach will be achieved through balancing different areas of impact across key themes in the coming years, so that we can achieve an overall positive outcome.
How does O’Keefe’s sustainability strategy relate to the Sustainable Development Goals?
We value alignment of our strategy with regard to the UN-adopted Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs): 17 goals that serve as a roadmap for good growth by 2030. O’Keefe evaluated the key areas of alignment of the goals with its corporate strategy and the relevant stakeholder material themes. O’Keefe’s business potentially impacts all SDGs. However, some have more direct influence within current markets, given the nature of our business. O’Keefe has subsequently considered these global issues in relation to its 2050 Net Positive strategy and has identified key focus areas where progress will be monitored going forward.