O'Keefe Trending Topics - ‘The Line Between Old and New with Derek Gilburt’.
I recently visited our site at Kitchener Barracks where O’Keefe are starting on the final phase of residential development utilising volumetric modules manufactured by Top Hat. This concrete wall is poignant – it is the dividing line between cutting edge 21st Century housing provision and 18th Century military accommodation, known as Kitchener Barracks. So, I pondered on what was each side of the wall.
O'Keefe Trending Topics - ‘Fuel Duty with Ronnie Cusack’.
The energy crisis is affecting us all – directly and indirectly. In construction we are reliant on heavy oil or red diesel that has a much reduced tax levy, but all of that is about to change in April with the scrapping of the use of red diesel or rebated fuel as it is correctly known. There will be some exceptions but construction operations is not one of them. Our Operations Director, Derek Gilburt posed some questions to our Plant Fleet Manager, Ronnie Cusack to get a feel for the impact on our business.