O'Keefe Trending Topics - ‘Fuel Duty with Ronnie Cusack’.
The energy crisis is affecting us all – directly and indirectly. In construction we are reliant on heavy oil or red diesel that has a much reduced tax levy, but all of that is about to change in April with the scrapping of the use of red diesel or rebated fuel as it is correctly known. There will be some exceptions but construction operations is not one of them. Our Operations Director, Derek Gilburt posed some questions to our Plant Fleet Manager, Ronnie Cusack to get a feel for the impact on our business.
Kent Construction Expo
We are attending the Kent Construction Expo for the third year in a row.
What Remembrance Day means to me
How does this fit in with my new career in the construction industry? Moving into an organised, structured and well-disciplined company has made my transition easier than first thought.
Week 3 round up #okeefe5000
In the week where football made a comeback to our TVs, we still managed to walk 1,546.43 miles since the end of week 2, meaning to date we have walked 2,554.43 miles.
Week 2 round up #okeefe5000
As week two was drawing to a close, we had a check of the miles we had walked so far. By Friday 12th June we had a walked a collective total of 1,008 miles, so we need a really big team effort over the weekend to chip some more miles off of our 5,000 mile target.
Week 1 round up #okeefe5000
Our #okeefe5000 challenge of walking 5,000 miles to raise £15,000 for our three chosen charities; NHS Charities Together, The Lighthouse Club and of course 21 Together, has been up and running for a week now, so here is our update from week 1.
Atlas Mountain Trek
Two members of our team spent 2 days trekking the Atlas Mountains in Morocco for three chosen charities.
Dave Foley, our demolition contracts manager and Declan Kelly, our project manager, trekked more than 2,000 kilometres across Morocco, Algeria and Tunisia.
Covid-19 in Conversation - Our HSE Leader Lucian & NEBOSH
One of the things I find having a strong NEBOSH background does, is it prepares you very well for dealing with unfamiliar situations. Basically, you can draw on a wealth of information to help you problem-solve.
A True Hero…
On Friday, our low loader driver Steve Ashdown stopped at a junction on the A205 south circular waiting for the lights to change. Before pulling away, Steve checked his mirrors and then noticed an object at the front of his lorry…
Risk does not have to mean danger in demolition
People still think of demolition as being a dangerous industry. In fact, it’s not dangerous, although it is high-risk.
Michael’s Marathon Run
Our business development manager Michael Louth completed the 39th Virgin London Marathon yesterday, despite never being a runner before!