Week 3 round up #okeefe5000
In the week where football made a comeback to our TVs, we still managed to walk 1,546.43 miles since the end of week 2, meaning to date we have walked 2,554.43 miles.
Week 2 round up #okeefe5000
As week two was drawing to a close, we had a check of the miles we had walked so far. By Friday 12th June we had a walked a collective total of 1,008 miles, so we need a really big team effort over the weekend to chip some more miles off of our 5,000 mile target.
Week 1 round up #okeefe5000
Our #okeefe5000 challenge of walking 5,000 miles to raise £15,000 for our three chosen charities; NHS Charities Together, The Lighthouse Club and of course 21 Together, has been up and running for a week now, so here is our update from week 1.